Frequently Asked Questions

Who is New York Transco?

New York Transco is a New York-based, and New York-focused owner and developer electric transmission facilities. Transco is owned by affiliates of National Grid, Con Edison, AVANGRID, and CH Energy Group. More information on New York Transco can be found here.

Why is this project needed?

The New York Public Service Commission (PSC) and the New York System Operator (NYISO) identified an electric transmission upgrade need in Orange County to maximize other system upgrades that will relieve grid congestion and bring more renewable energy from upstate to downstate.

Who is paying for this Project?

Transmission projects like this are paid for by all ratepayers throughout the State of New York based on a zone formula set by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Will this project reduce our reliance on fossil fuels?

Upgrading and adding more capacity to the transmission network is an important step toward New York’s clean energy future. This will allow more renewables to flow to customers efficiently and effectively.

Who will review/approve the Project?

The project must go through multiple levels of state, local, and federal review. Ultimately, the state and federal permitting processes provide the mechanisms for approvals to construct the Project. For more information on our permitting process, please click here.

When will you start construction?

Pending approvals, we plan to begin construction in 2022 and have the Project in-service at the end of 2023.

Will there be any power interruptions during construction?

No, this Project will not result in interruptions to your electrical service.

What if I have questions or concerns?

New York Transco is committed to doing all we can to work with landowners, residents, and communities to mitigate impacts on our neighbors and the environment before, during and after construction. Anyone with questions or concerns is encouraged to contact us at or toll-free at 1-800-314-4236. The State’s Article VII process also provides avenues for public involvement. Information on participating in the State’s Article VII process will be found here once a docket for the project is established. 

Does New York Transco pay property taxes?

Yes. We pay annual municipal taxes on each transmission asset (stations, transmission conductors, transmission structures, etc.) in a given town. The utilities also pay property tax.

Where will this work take place?

The RTS transmission and station work will take place on existing utility-owned transmission corridor and/or utility land through four communities in Orange County – New Windsor, Hamptonburgh, Blooming Grove, and Chester.

Who will perform the construction work?

We are in the early stages of the Project and have not yet selected a contractor.

Will jobs be set aside for union labor?

In 2016 we signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) District 3, which commits us to using union labor where possible.

Can I get a job working on the Project? Can my business supply products or services?

If you are interested in providing your or your company’s information, feel free to contact a project representative at or toll-free at 1-800-314-4236. The Project will go through a detailed and comprehensive effort for hiring qualified vendors/suppliers.